This repository includes the required utilities for creating a simple Big Data Compute Cluster to run on Coho Datastream.
Before starting, you will need:
the location of the tenant's docker portal ie. tcp://<portal_IP>:
the yarn image on the tenant's docker registry ie. <registry_ip>:5000/cohodata/yarn:2.10
In order to use these docker images you will need to pull it down from the docker hub and push it to the tenant registry:
docker pull cohodata/yarn:2.10
docker tag cohodata/yarn:2.10 <registry_ip>:5000/cohodata/yarn:2.10
docker push <registry_ip>:5000/cohodata/yarn:2.10
You can run the deployment script from a container to create a CDH cluster:
docker run --rm -ti cohodata/yarn:2.10 deploy-cdh-cluster --docker-portal=<portal_addr> --yarn-image=<registry_ip>:5000/cohodata/yarn:2.10 create <number_of_nodemanagers>
You can run the deployment script from a container to delete a CDH cluster:
docker run --rm -ti cohodata/yarn:2.10 deploy-cdh-cluster --docker-portal=<portal_addr> --yarn-image=<registry_ip>:5000/cohodata/yarn:2.10 delete