You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 87
- All requests based on the Https protocol should set the request header information Content-Type as:'application/json’.
- All input and output data are in JSON format.
- Visit Root URL: https://api.coinex.com/v1
- Signature is required for Account API and trading API related interfaces. The signature data is placed in the authorization header of the HTTP header and authorization is the signature result string. No signature is required for market API related interfaces.
- Request header information must be declared: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.71 Safari/537.36
- Rate limit: Please refer to the specific instruction of each interface. The general speed limit of the sockets is 200 times per 10 second per IP (for Trading and Account API); no limit on Market API
# to CoinEx before invoking API and get Acquire access_id/secret_key in Account > API.
access_id: To mark identity of API invoker
secret_key: Key to sign the request parameters
Note: access_id/secret_key is equivalent to your account/password. For your asset security, please keep it safe and change it regularly. Once lost, please # to CoinEx for reset.
Request parameters should include access_id and all parameters need to be signed.
E.g. Relevant parameters of a request are as follows:
"access_id": "4DA36FFC61334695A66F8D29020EB589",
"market": "BTCBCH",
"type" : "buy",
"price": "10",
"amount": "1.0",
"tonce": 1513746038205
Sort field names alphabetically as follows:
"access_id": "4DA36FFC61334695A66F8D29020EB589",
"amount": "1.0",
"market": "BTCBCH",
"price": "10",
"tonce": 1513746038205,
"type: "buy"
Use & match the sorted parameters as follows:
Add secret_key to the last string to sign, supposing this is a secret_key: B51068CF10B34E7789C374AB932696A05E0A629BE7BFC62F:
Use MD5 algorithm to encrypt the signature string, convert encrypted result to uppercase, get signature data and put signature data in HTTP Header - authorization:
authorization: 610AB90A1D31D45901D173E4F59C9384
# Response
"code": 0, # Refer to code error description.
"data": {}, # Return data as list or dictionary.
"message": "Ok" # Code error description.
Common API
Market API
Acquire Market List
Acquire Market Statistics
Acquire Market Depth
Acquire Latest Transaction Data
Acquire K-Line Data
Acquire Market Information
Acquire Single Market Information
Acquire AMM Market List
Account API
Inquire Account Info
Inquire Withdrawal List
Submit A Withdrawal Order
Cancel Withdrawal
Inquire Deposit List
Transfer between main account and sub account
Transfer between main account and margin account
Get deposit address
Generate deposit address
Inquire Sub Account Balance
Inquire Sub Account Balance History
Create Sub Account
Frozen Sub Account
Unfrozen Sub Account
Acquire Credit Account Info
Trading API
Place Limit Order
Place Multiple Limit Orders
Place Market Order
Place Stop Limit Order
Place IOC Order
Acquire Unexecuted Order List
Acquire Executed Order List
Acquire Order Status
Acquire Multiple Orders Status
Acquire Executed Order Detail
Acquire User Deals
Cancel Order
Cancel Multiple Orders
Cancel All Orders
Margin API
Inquire Margin Account Info
Inquire Margin Account Market Info
Inquire Margin Account of A Currency
Acquire Margin Account Settings
Acquire Margin Account Settings of A Currency
Acquire Loan List
Place Loan
Place Flat
Margin Balance Transfer
Contract API