update to use Lucee 6 #112
GitHub Actions / adobe@2021 Test Results
Feb 20, 2025 in 0s
All 18 tests pass, 2 skipped in 10s
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github-actions / adobe@2021 Test Results
2 skipped tests found
There are 2 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
Raw output
tests.specs.integration.api.v1.LogsTest ‑ Log API specs Can Retrieve a single Log message
tests.specs.integration.api.v1.LogsTest ‑ Log API specs Can conduct an open search
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github-actions / adobe@2021 Test Results
20 tests found
There are 20 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
tests.specs.integration.api.v1.AuthenticationTest ‑ Authentication event specs Tests the head method
tests.specs.integration.api.v1.AuthenticationTest ‑ Authentication event specs Tests the login method
tests.specs.integration.api.v1.AuthenticationTest ‑ Authentication event specs Tests the logout method
tests.specs.integration.api.v1.LogsTest ‑ Log API specs Can Retrieve a single Log message
tests.specs.integration.api.v1.LogsTest ‑ Log API specs Can conduct an open search
tests.specs.integration.api.v1.LogsTest ‑ Log API specs Can create a new log message
tests.specs.integration.api.v1.LogsTest ‑ Log API specs Will not allow access to an unauthenticated user
tests.specs.integration.api.v1.UserTest ‑ User CRUD Actions Can create a new user
tests.specs.interceptor.BasicAuthenticationTest ‑ Basic Authentication It can use basic authentication for a valid user
tests.specs.interceptor.StacheBoxTest ‑ Stachebox Lifecycle Methods tests onRequestCapture
tests.specs.interceptor.StacheBoxTest ‑ Stachebox Lifecycle Methods tests postModuleLoad
tests.specs.interceptor.TokenAuthenticationTest ‑ Token Authentication It can authenticate a valid token
tests.specs.unit.UserTest ‑ User CRUD Actions Can create a new user
tests.specs.unit.UserTest ‑ User CRUD Actions Can delete a user
tests.specs.unit.UserTest ‑ User CRUD Actions Can update an existing user
tests.specs.unit.UserTest ‑ User CRUD Actions Can validate and fail if an email is already in the index
tests.specs.unit.services.SettingServiceTest ‑ API Tokens Can generate a reset token for a user
tests.specs.unit.services.UserServiceTest ‑ cbAuth Interface Method Specs Tests isValidCredentials()
tests.specs.unit.services.UserServiceTest ‑ cbAuth Interface Method Specs Tests retrieveUserById()
tests.specs.unit.services.UserServiceTest ‑ cbAuth Interface Method Specs Tests retrieveUserByUsername()