I'm a Swiss lawyer (MLaw) and legal engineer. My work revolves around the conception, design and implementation of innovative software and web interfaces that facilitate the seamless integration of law and IT. My focus and deep passion lies in the field of Artificial Intelligence and its application in the legal sector, underlined by a strong interest in UX and digitalisation in general. My current research explores the potential applications, implications and limits of AI within the legal profession. As a PhD student, my research focuses on the complex issue of autonomous decision-making in criminal law.
You can learn more about me and my projects on my personal website
You can find a the research entry of my PhD Project on the Research Database of the University of Basel and a more detailed description on the webpage about my project "Automated Decision-Making in the Criminal Law Context: A Controversial Matter?" as part of the Max Planck Fellow Group Algorithmic Profiling and Automated Decision-Making in Criminal Justice at the Max Planck Institute for the study of crime, security and law.
In my spare time I am working on open source projects:
- Repositorium.ch -> GitHub Organization
- Iusable.ai -> GitHub Organization
- plus some repositories on my personal profile (where you currently are)