- Airtel money developer account: https://developers.airtel.africa/user/#
- Airtel money client_id and secrete_key
- Airtel money disbursement pin
- Python 3+
First step edit environment_mode, x_country, x_currency, client_id and client_secret values from /classes/airtel_pay.py as shown below:
x_country = "country_code?"
x_currency = "currency_code?"
#Check if sandbox or production
#Choose either sandbox or production
environment_mode = "stagging"
disbursement_pin = "your disbursement pin?"
#Configure keys
client_id = "client_id?"
client_secret = "client_secret?"
After configuring the above initiliasation steps, then you are ready to collect and disburse the payments. Follow the below instructions.
To collect or request a payment you kindly need to call the following function
from classes.airtel_pay import AirtelPay
#Request pay
pay = AirtelPay.pay("ten_digits_phone_number", "amount", "currency_code", "country_code", "transaction_id")
To check the transaction status or verify, follow the below instructions:
from classes.airtel_pay import AirtelPay
#Verify/check transaction status
verify = AirtelPay.verify_transaction("transaction_id")
To transfer or disburse money into your mobile money account, follow the below instructions: ALERT!!!! This calling does not work without the disbursement pin!!! Follow the first instruction to configure your disbursement pin!
from classes.airtel_pay import AirtelPay
#Disburse funds
transfer = AirtelPay.transfermoney("airtel_phone_number", "amount")
That's all for this tutorial fam. For personal support/assistance kindly use these details:
- Phone number: +260968793843
- Email: witlevels04@gmail.com
Thank you for your time!