Full stack demo build with Next js 15, Tailwind, Shadcn UI, Drizzle, Turso, Clerk
- Clone the workflow here https://www.comfydeploy.com/share/comfy-deploy-full-stack-demo
- Deploy the workflow and use default machine to Production
cp .env.example .env.local
Create a new workflow on ComfyDeploy and get the API key from https://www.comfydeploy.com/api-keys
# API key from https://www.comfydeploy.com/api-keys
# Workflow Deployment ID
Create a new project in Clerk and setup the key
First, run the development server:
bun dev
Open http://localhost:3006 with your browser to see the result.
- Deploy to Vercel
- Create a new clerk production environment, add env to vercel
- Create a https://turso.tech/ db, and copy over the token to vercel