Generate ical (.ics) files from date-holidays data
This tool exports data from date-holidays into iCal format.
Usage: holidays-ical [options]
-h, --help this help
-v, --version display version
-o, --out file write to file
-y, --year year year or year range
-f, --fullday ical events are per full day
-s, --showcode show country code in each ical summary
-t, --transp ical events are all transparent
-n, --name name instead of country code add your own name to each ical summary
-q, --query query for available countries, states, regions by shortcode
-l, --language language set language
Query for available Countries:
$ holiday-ical -q
Query for available States in New Zealand:
$ holiday-ical -q NZ
Calender for 2017 New Zealand, Auckland Province:
$ holiday-ical -f -y 2017
Calender for 2017 - 2019 New Zealand Auckland Province:
$ holiday-ical -f -y 2017-2019
Import the generated file into your calendar tool of choice.
var ical = require('date-holidays-ical')()
// query for available countries
var res = ical.query()
//> { AD: 'Andorra',
//> ..
//> UY: 'Uruguay' }
// initialize with country, e.g. Uruguay
res = ical.init('UY')
//> true
// get iCal Calender
res = ical.calendar(2016)