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update rel_pos to metatranscript_coordinate
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pre-mRNA committed Apr 12, 2024
1 parent 1c4e079 commit 3f13655
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Showing 7 changed files with 27 additions and 26 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions
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Annotation adds the following information to the epitranscriptomic sites as additional coluumns, relying on the gene structure GTF to generate these data.

transcript_biotype | gene_name | gene_id | tx_len | cds_len | utr5_len | utr3_len | cds_start | cds_end | tx_end | rel_pos | abs_cds_start | abs_cds_end | up_junc_dist | down_junc_dist
transcript_biotype | gene_name | gene_id | tx_len | cds_len | utr5_len | utr3_len | cds_start | cds_end | tx_end | transcript_metacoordinate | abs_cds_start | abs_cds_end | up_junc_dist | down_junc_dist

- ```tx_len```, ```cds-len```, ```utr5-len``` and ```utr3-len```represents the lengths of the entire transcript, the coding sequence, and the 5' and 3' untranslated regions (UTRs)
- ```cds_start``` and ```cds_end``` represent the positions of the coding sequence start and end compared to the transcript.
- ```rel_pos``` represents the scaled metatrascript position of the given RNA feature, between 0 and 3, where 0 represents transcript start-site, 1 represents CDS start, 2 represent CDS end, and 3 represents the 3' transcript end.
- ```transcript_metacoordinate``` represents the scaled metatrascript position of the given RNA feature, between 0 and 3, where 0 represents transcript start-site, 1 represents CDS start, 2 represent CDS end, and 3 represents the 3' transcript end.
- ```abs_cds_start``` and ```abs_cds_end``` represent the absolute distance (in nt) of a given feature from the cds start and end
- ```up_junc_dist``` and ```down_junc_dist``` repreesnt the absolute distance (in nt) of a given site from the nearest upstream and downstream splice-junction contained in a given transcript

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ R2Dtool is designed to work with GTF version 2 annotations

- Compatible feature types (col3) include 'transcript'/'mRNA', 'exon', 'CDS', 'five_prime_utr'/'5UTR'/'UTR' and 'three_prime_utr'/'3UTR'/'UTR'
- 'exon', 'transcript', and 'UTR' feature types are __required__ for liftover and annotation
- Column 9 should contain 'transcript_id', 'gene_id', 'gene_name', and some variety of biotype attribute (e.g. 'transcript_biotype', 'transcript_type', 'gene_type', or 'gene_biotype')
- Column 9 should optinally contain 'transcript_id', 'gene_id', 'gene_name', and some variety of biotype attribute (e.g. 'transcript_biotype', 'transcript_type', 'gene_type', or 'gene_biotype'). This data is used for R2Dtool's annotation function.

The GTF annotation provided must contain identical gene structures used to generate the transcriptome, including identical transcript names in the FASTA header. One option is to use genomes, transcriptomes and gene structures from the same genome release. Another option is for users to generate their own transcriptome using a genome and gene structure file, e.g. using gffread.
Critically, the GTF annotation provided __must__ contain identical gene structures used to generate the transcriptome, including identical transcript names in the FASTA header. One option is to use genomes, transcriptomes and gene structures from the same genome release. Another option is for users to generate their own transcriptome using a genome and gene structure file, e.g. using [gffread](

# Utilities

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14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions manuscript_demo/
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# R2Dtool rust implementation
cd ~/R2Dtool && cargo build --release
export PATH="${PATH}:/home/150/as7425/R2Dtool/target/release/"

# Input data corresponds to HEK293 m6A predictions, calculated against the gencode V38 transcriptome
Expand All @@ -22,6 +23,14 @@ time r2d annotate -i "${wd}/methylation_calls.bed" -g ${annotation} -H > "${wd}/
# liftover the annotated called to genomic coordinates
time r2d liftover -i "${wd}/methylation_calls_annotated.bed" -g ${annotation} -H > "${wd}/methylation_calls_annotated_lifted.bed"

# plotMetaTranscript
module load R
time Rscript ~/R2Dtool/scripts/R2_plotMetaTranscript.R "${wd}/methylation_calls_annotated_lifted.bed" "${wd}/metatranscript_out.png" "probability" "0.9999" "upper"

# plotMetaJunction
time Rscript ~/R2Dtool/scripts/R2_plotMetaJunction.R "${wd}/methylation_calls_annotated_lifted.bed" "${wd}/out2.png" "probability" "0.9999" "upper"

# annotate methylation calls using Gencode v38
time Rscript ~/R2Dtool/scripts/R2_annotate.R "${wd}/methylationCalls.bed" "${annotation}" "${wd}/methylationCalls_annotated.bed"
# takes about 9 minutes
Expand All @@ -36,8 +45,3 @@ cat <(head -n 1 "${wd}/methylationCalls_annotated_lifted.bed") <(awk '($11>0.999
# compress
cat "${wd}/methylationCalls_annotated_lifted_significant.bed" | gzip -c > "${wd}/methylationCalls_annotated_lifted_significant.bed.gz"

# plotMetaTranscript
time Rscript ~/R2Dtool/scripts/R2_plotMetaTranscript.R "~/localGadiData/2022-09-21_R2Dtool/methylationCalls_annotated_lifted.bed" "~/localGadiData/2022-09-21_R2Dtool/out.png" "probability" "0.9999" "upper"

# plotMetaJunction
time Rscript ~/R2Dtool/scripts/R2_plotMetaJunction.R "~/localGadiData/2022-09-21_R2Dtool/methylationCalls_annotated_lifted.bed" "~/localGadiData/2022-09-21_R2Dtool/out.png" "probability" "0.9999" "upper"
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions scripts/R2_plotMetaJunction.R
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args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)

# test if there are 5 arguments, as required for plotMetaTranscript
if (length(args)!=3) {
stop("\nUsage: Rscript R2_plotMetaTranscript.R "/path/to/annotated.bed? "/path/to/output.png", "<probability field>", "<cutoff>", "<upper/lower>", call.=FALSE)
if (length(args)!=5) {
stop("\nUsage: Rscript R2_plotMetaTranscript.R \"/path/to/annotated.bed\" \"/path/to/output.png\", \"<probability field>\", \"<cutoff>\", \"<upper/lower>\"", call.=FALSE)

# load tidyverse, quietly
Expand All @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ colName = args[3]

# read in annotated transcriptomic positions
# use a function to define significant sites based on the user's 'upper' or 'lower' call
calls <- read_tsv(file = args[1], col_names = T, guess_max = 99999999)
calls <- read_tsv(file = args[1], col_names = T, guess_max = -1)

# select significant set based on user input
if (args[5] == "upper") {
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion scripts/R2_plotMetaTranscript.R
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Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ breaks <- seq(0,3,0.025) # iterate over break width

# cut the breaks
out_ratio <- calls %>%
mutate(interval = cut(rel_pos, breaks, include.lowest = TRUE, right = TRUE, labels = FALSE)) %>%
mutate(interval = cut(transcript_metacoordinate, breaks, include.lowest = TRUE, right = TRUE, labels = FALSE)) %>%
group_by(interval, filter) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "filter", values_from = "n") %>%
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/
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Expand Up @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ pub fn run_annotate(matches: &clap::ArgMatches, has_header: bool) -> Result<(),
let header_fields: Vec<&str> = header.trim().split('\t').collect();

let output_header = format!(
writeln!(output_writer, "{}", output_header).unwrap();
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ pub fn convert_transcriptomic_to_genomic_coordinates(
// Get the genomic strand
let genomic_strand = &transcript.strand;

// Keep all original columns in the output of the liftover
let additional_columns = site_fields.join("\t");
// Join the additional columns (fields after the second one) using a tab character
let additional_columns = site_fields[1..].join("\t");

// Return the formatted output string
return Some(format!(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ pub fn run_liftover(matches: &clap::ArgMatches, has_header: bool) -> Result<(),
// Update the header for the output file
let output_header = format!(
writeln!(output_writer, "{}", output_header).unwrap();
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15 changes: 6 additions & 9 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -344,31 +344,27 @@ pub fn read_annotation_file(file_path: &str, is_gtf: bool) -> Result<HashMap<Str
// }
// }
// }
//println!("UTR detected 0");

for transcript in transcripts.values_mut() {
//println!("Processing transcript: {}", transcript.transcript_id);

// Sort the CDS start and end vectors to ensure they are in the correct order

//println!("UTR detected 1");

// Assume each transcript has at least one CDS; thus, the first CDS start and last CDS end define the CDS range
if let (Some(&cds_start), Some(&cds_end)) = (transcript.cds_starts.first(), transcript.cds_ends.last()) {
//println!("UTR detected 2");
//println!("Calculated CDS range: start {}, end {}", cds_start, cds_end);

for feature in &transcript.exons {
if feature.feature_type == "UTR" {
//println!("UTR detected 3");

let strand = transcript.strand.as_deref().unwrap_or(".");
match strand {
"+" | "." => {
if feature.end < cds_start {
// 5'UTR for positive strand
transcript.utr5_len = Some(transcript.utr5_len.unwrap_or(0) + feature.length);
// println!("5'UTR detected with length {}", feature.length);

} else if feature.start > cds_end {
// 3'UTR for positive strand
transcript.utr3_len = Some(transcript.utr3_len.unwrap_or(0) + feature.length);
Expand All @@ -380,6 +376,7 @@ pub fn read_annotation_file(file_path: &str, is_gtf: bool) -> Result<HashMap<Str
// 5'UTR for negative strand (logic is reversed)
transcript.utr5_len = Some(transcript.utr5_len.unwrap_or(0) + feature.length);
// println!("5'UTR (neg strand) detected with length {}", feature.length);

} else if feature.end < cds_start {
// 3'UTR for negative strand (logic is reversed)
transcript.utr3_len = Some(transcript.utr3_len.unwrap_or(0) + feature.length);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,8 +459,8 @@ mod tests {

let gtf_file_path = "/home/150/as7425/R2Dtool/test/gencode_v38.gtf";
let target_transcript_id = "ENST00000579823.1";
let gtf_file_path = "./test/gencode_v38.gtf";
let target_transcript_id = "ENST00000579823";

// Read the GTF file
let transcripts = read_annotation_file(gtf_file_path, true).expect("Failed to read GTF file");
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