This is a LoRaWAN v1.0 implementation in python for the Dragino LoRa/GPS HAT, it is currently being used to connect to the things network It is based on work at
It uses
- Raspberry Pi
- SD card
- Raspberry Pi power supply
- Install Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi
- Enable SPI using raspi-config
- Enable Serial using raspi-config (no login shell)
- check your serial ports 'ls /dev/serial*'
- check the serial port is receiving GPS data with 'cat /dev/serialx' where x is your port number.
- Install the required packages
sudo apt install device-tree-compiler git python3-crypto python3-nmea2 python3-rpi.gpio python3-serial python3-spidev python3-configobj
- Download the git repo
git clone
- make a copy of dragingo.ini.default
cp dragino.ini.default dragino.ini
- make sure your dragino.ini is set to use the serial port from step 3
- make a copy of dragingo.ini.default
- Enable additional CS lines (See section below for explanation)
- Change into the overlay directory
cd dragino/overlay
- Compile the overlay
dtc -@ -I dts -O dtb -o spi-gpio-cs.dtbo spi-gpio-cs-overlay.dts
. This might generate a couple of warnings, but seems to work ok - Copy the output file to the required folder
sudo cp spi-gpio-cs.dtbo /boot/overlays/
- Enable the overlay at next reboot
echo "dtoverlay=spi-gpio-cs" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt
- Reboot the Pi
sudo reboot
- Check that the new cs lines are enabled
ls /dev/spidev0.*
should output/dev/spidev0.0 /dev/spidev0.1 /dev/spidev0.2
. In which case the required SPI CS line now exists
- Change into the overlay directory
- Create a new device in The Things Network console and copy the details into the config file
- Run the test programm
and the device should transmit on the things network using OTAA authentication - run './' to check downlink messages are received (after scheduling one in the TTN console)
For some reason the Dragino board does not use one of the standard chip select lines for the SPI communication. This can be overcome by using a device tree overlay to configure addtional SPI CS lines. I am not a device tree expert so I adapted the example given at to provide the code needed for this to work.
See for a complete description of LoRaWAN device classes.
Briefly, for class A device, downlink messages will only be sent after an uplink message. This is generally the type of device most people will be using as it consumes the least power on, for example, Arduino sensor devices. However, a Raspberry Pi + dragino HAT is constantly powered so when it isn't transmitting it can be always listening.
- Make code more readable and easier to use (From upstream)
- investigate device tree compilation warnings