A lightweight CMS built around the Symfony 2 PHP Webframework.
Yoghurt is a simple CMS backend based on Symfony. It's intended purpouse is to speed up custom solutions development by providing out of the box backend. It allows user to define his own content types without any programming.
If you get any warnings or recommendations, fix these now before moving on.
Remove .dist extension from the files in /app/config Set the appropriate database parameters in config.yml.
Install Composer: http://getcomposer.org/download
Run the following:
php composer.phar install
Note that you must have git installed and be able to execute the git
command to execute this script. If you don't have git available, either install
it or upload a compleate vendor folder with all declared dependancies (you can
setup the CMS on a local computer and use that vendor directory).
Before you begin, make sure that your local system is properly configured for Symfony. To do this, execute the following:
php app/check.php
Run the following:
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Run the following:
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Go to http://yourdomain.com/admin and login with default admin credentials:
username: admin
password: pass