This repository provides the code accompanying the paper ZenHammer: Rowhammer Attacks on AMD Zen-based Platforms that is to appear at USENIX Security 2024.
This repository consists of multiple branches with different tools:
contains the DARE tool to reverse-engineer DRAM address mappings.ddr4_zen2_zen3_pub
contains the ZenHammer Rowhammer fuzzer for DDR4 (Zen 2 and Zen 3).ddr5_zen4_pub
contains the ZenHammer Rowhammer fuzzer for DDR5 (Zen 4).
Instructions to build and run DARE and the ZenHammer fuzzer are provided in the respective branches'
To cite ZenHammer in academic papers, please use the following BibTeX entry:
title={{{ZenHammer}}: {{R}}owhammer {{A}}ttacks on {{AMD}} {{Z}}en-based {{P}}latforms},
author={Jattke, Patrick and Wipfli, Max and Solt, Flavien and Marazzi, Michele and Bölcskei, Matej and Razavi, Kaveh},
booktitle={USENIX Security},
month = aug,
note = {\url{}}