A full stack boilerplate with ExpressJS + ReactJS.
Install the following frameworks and packages.
Verify the installation.
node --version
yarn --version
Clone this repository.
git clone
cd conjur-express
git submodule update --init --recursive
Install frontend dependencies.
cd client
yarn install
Install backend dependencies.
yarn install
A development environment consists of a backend dev server and a front end dev server.
Start the development backend server, default listening on port :8080.
yarn start:dev
Start the development frontend server, default listening on port :3000.
cd client
yarn start:dev
A production environment consists of a production build frontend served by a production build backend server.
Create an optimized frontend production build. The output would be in /client/build
cd client
yarn build
Build the backend server. The output would be in /build
yarn build
These build artifacts should be used in production server.
Start the backend server. It serves the frontend build from /client/build
yarn start