- 2019-12-11: beardslave will now create new channels and webhooks for you!
- 2020-08-23: Added a new NPR command!
npm update
npm i -g typescript ts-node
npm i discord.js @types/node better-sqlite3 @types/better-sqlite3
(run in the beardslave directory, it needs package.json)- Create webhook, retrieve it's ID and token
- Copy private-config.json.copyme to private-config.json, fill it in
- Fill in the friend codes spreadsheet link
These next steps are for urMom.ts; if you remove that functionality, you don't need them. I don't know what the corresponding commands are on Windows.
- Get a google API key and store it to "google-key.json" in the config directory
- apt install mysql-client default-libmysqlclient-dev
- Install python3 and pip for Python3
- pip3 install pattern
If you get errors relating to Python when trying to npm update and the like, run this: npm --add-python-to-path='true' --debug install --global windows-build-tools
- From the data folder, run
bash load-public.sh
- Copy load-private.sh.copyme to load-private.sh
- Fill in the webhooks
- Run
bash load-private.sh
2019-12-15: You don't need to issue the sqlite command yourself anymore; just run the shell script ./add-channel.sh <channel> <role>
to update SQL.
- Add the channel to channels.sqlite:
cd beardslave/data
sqlite3 channels.sqlite
insert into channels values('(channel name)', '(role to access it)', '', '');
- Restart beardslave (!restart)
2019-12-11: you can skip adding the webhook; beardslave will create one for you!
- Add the webhook to the channel
- Go to channel settings -> Webhooks
- Add webhook.
- Check the URL of the webhook. It will be http://https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/{ID}/{token}
- Add the channel's token & ID to channels.sqlite
cd beardslave/data
sqlite3 channels.sqlite
UPDATE channels SET webhookID='(ID)', webhookToken='(token)' WHERE channel='(channel name)'
- Add the channel to the array in public-config.json
cd beardslave/src/config
vim public-config.json
- Restart beardslave (!restart)