Copybird is open-source cloud-native universal backup tool for databases and files.
It allows you to:
- Create database backup
- Compress backup stream
- Encrypt backup stream
- Send it to various destinations fast and secure
- Get notification about backup status in messagers and notification services
- Enjoy simple backup as a service with k8s backup controller
Backup process not using local storage for temp files.
learn more at Note that this repository is in Work in Progress status. Feel free to contribure. Read more about contributing below.
Currently Copybird supports the following databases:
- Postgres
- MongoDB
- Etcd (v2 and v3 API)
Copybird compresses with the following tools:
- gzip
- lz4
Copybird uses AES-GCM for Efficient Authenticated Encryption
Copybird can deliver encrypted compressed backup to the following destinations:
Copybird currently supports the following notification services:
- Slack
- Telegram
- get notificatoin on email
- Kafka
- Nats
- Create issue in PagerDuty
- Pushbullet
- RabbitMQ
- Twilio
- Webcallback
If you would like to add additional service, please submit an issue with feature request or add it yourself and send a Pull Request.
There are different ways you can use this tool:
First get the source code on your machine
go get -u
Then run it with go run main.go
to see helpers for various optional parameters
Example creating MySQL dump:
go run -v main.go backup -i 'mysql::dsn=root:root@tcp(localhost:3306)/test' -o local::file=dump.sql
Run docker run copybird/copybird
to see the available optional parameters
First create custom resource definition in your cluster:
kubectl apply -f operator/crd/crd.yaml
To run the controller:
go run main.go operator
And then in a separate shell, create custom resource:
kubectl create -f operator/example/backup-example.yaml
As output you get the following logs when creating, updating or deleting custom resource:
INFO[0000] Successfully constructed k8s client
INFO[0000] Starting Foo controller
INFO[0000] Waiting for informer caches to sync
INFO[0001] Starting workers
INFO[0001] Started workers
You can modify example file as you wish to get proper configuration for your jobs
To run tests against MySQL module proceed with the following commands:
docker run --name test_mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -e MYSQL_DATABASE=test -d percona:latest
docker exec -i test_mysql mysql -uroot -proot test < samples/mysql.sql
cd modules/backup/input/mysql/
go test -v -cover
To clean up after you finish with tests:
docker kill test_mysql
docker rm test_mysql
To run tests against MySQLDump module, first make sure that you have mysqldump
available in $PATH
and then proceed with the following commands:
docker run --name test_mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -e MYSQL_DATABASE=test -d percona:latest
docker exec -i test_mysql mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -proot test < samples/mysql.sql
cd modules/backup/input/mysqldump/
go test -v -cover
To clean up after you finish with tests:
docker kill test_mysql
docker rm test_mysql
To run tests against Postgres module proceed with the following commands:
docker run --name test_postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=test -d postgres:latest
docker exec -i test_postgres psql -U postgres test < samples/postgres.sql
cd modules/backup/input/postgresql/
go test -v -cover
To clean up after you finish with tests:
docker kill test_postgres
docker rm test_postgres
Pull requests are more than welcomed. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Before submission of pull request make sure you pulled recent updates, included tests for your code that covers at least the core functionality and you submitted a desciptive issue that will be fixed with your pull request. Do not forget to mention the issue in the pull request.
Project started by Artem Andreenko, Andrew Minkin, and Mad Devs.
P.S. Love distributed and mesh? Meshbird.