v.1.1.0 - generics
v.1.1.0 - generics
Changes all the matchers to use generics instead of reflection. Some still use a bit of reflection, e.g. TypeName etc.
Other major changes:
ValueContaining has been split into StringContaining, MapContaining, MapContainingValues, MapMatchingValues, ArrayContaining and ArrayMatching.
No longer panics with unknown types, as types will fail at compile time.
Some idiosyncrasies with the generic types do exist, but this is language specific;- map matchers generally need to know the type of the map key values explicitly or the compiler will complain, e.g.
then.AssertThat(testing, map[string]bool{"hi": true, "bye": true}, has.AllKeys[string, bool]("hi", "bye"))
- has.Length() is likewise pernickety about types being explicit, mainly because it works on both strings and arrays. It needs to know both the type of the array and the array/string type. Confused? me too.
- is.LessThan and is.GreaterThan no longer work on complex types. This is because the complex types do not support the comparison operators (yet, somehow, they could be compared by reflection 🤷 )
- map matchers generally need to know the type of the map key values explicitly or the compiler will complain, e.g.
See the matcher_test.go file for full usage.
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Full Changelog: v1.08...v1.1.0