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A simple way to run and visualize multiple Corda node in your browser.


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(based on java)

A simple way to run and vizualize multiple Corda node in your browser in 1 view.

We show in this example

  • how to write simple contracts to validate commands (using a builder notation)
  • how to write simple Flows and no need to handle all the sync, collect, finalize functionality
  • how to write easy and functional testcases for contracts and flow - with or without spinning of Mocknodes
  • how to write a simple Statemachine to execute, valide actions and states.
  • how to simply share an object with participants
  • how to use vaultTracker and websockets to bring Vault changes automatically to the frontend
  • how to visualize multiple nodes in a demo environment to see interaction between nodes

Example snapshot foo bar

Running the demo

Docker (recommended)

to get access to 6 nodes, 6 webserver and 5 remote debugging node port (windows user should use Git Bash)

docker run -d \
-p 10801:10801 \
-p 10802:10802 \
-p 10803:10803 \
-p 10804:10804 \
-p 10805:10805 \
-p 10006:10006 \
-p 10009:10009 \
-p 10012:10012 \
-p 10015:10015 \
-p 10018:10018 \
-p 5005:5005 \
-p 5006:5006 \
-p 5007:5007 \
-p 5008:5008 \
-p 5009:5009 \
-p 10066:10066 \
-p 10069:10069 \
-p 10072:10072 \
-p 10075:10075 \
-p 10078:10078 \

Then point your browser to http://localhost:10801/?frames=10801+10802+10803,10804,10805


  • if you are using docker desktop, dont forget to increase memory and number of cpu in docker setting to something like 16gb
  • Replace latest with any version available at
  • Windows only: in Git Bash you may have issue getting a TTY to the container the input device is not a TTY. If you are using mintty, try prefixing the command with 'winpty' use CMD or powershell instead!


  • Install GIT for windows and use GIT Bash or Cygwin
  • Clone this project and run ./ from script folder
git clone
cd script

Linux / MacOsx

git clone
cd script

Be patient! I can take upto some minutes due to issues in the official CORDA starting procedures of nodes running in parallel. The scripts are re-trying until all is up and running. The webservers are started after the nodes. If everything is done, the scripts stops and shows the following

CORDA and Webservers are UP and running

Currently 6 CORDA nodes running Currently 5 Webservers running


Name Description Special note stop nodes and web, git pull newest code and start again all CORDA data lost stops webservers, git pull and restart web only. Nodes still running Start only webservers stops all nodes and web, killing all kill all processes stop web servers starts all node, web without cleaning, keep state of all nodes start with existing data starts web only starts nodes only displays the status of nodes and web tail all web server log files tail all log files of all nodes


When all Node and webserver are up, you can visit http://localhost:10801/?frames=10801+10802+10803,10804,10805

Display & develop single frame

http://localhost:10801/frame.html the following paramters can control the API and ports. Use these parameters to debug locally (from IntelliJ or any other test webserver) to use the API from another location

Parameter Description example
port port used for backend web API  port=10801
local using "true" for "localhost" or any other domain name or IP  local=true, local=123.456.0.789
mock use MOCK data within .js only instead backend  mock=true

Display all frames

http://localhost:10801/index.html use parameters "frames" to control the different ports with the columns or rows

Parameter Description example
, use , to seperate columns  frames=10801,10802,10803,10804,10805 - 5 columns
+ use + to seperate row  frames=10801+10802,10803,10804+10805 - 3 columns, 1st and last have 2 rows


The warning from CordaApp still apply (

On Unix/Mac OSX, do not click/change focus until all seven additional terminal windows have opened, or some nodes may fail to start.


Configuration for the nodes

Configuration settings take place in build.gradle file and for the demo we start 5 Corda nodes and a Notary.

Name RPC SSH   P2P  Admin  Webserver H2
O=Notary,L=Bern,ST=BE,C=CH 10003 10103  10002  10043 none none
O=Company-A,L=Zurich,ST=ZH,C=CH 10006 10106 10005  10046 http://localhost:10801 jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:10066/node
O=Company-B,L=Winterthur,ST=ZH,C=CH 10009 10109 10008  10049 http://localhost:10802 jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:10069/node
O=Company-C,L=Zug,ST=ZG,C=CH 10012 10112 10011  10052 http://localhost:10803 jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:10072/node
O=Company-D,L=Geneva,ST=ZH,C=CH 10015 10115 10014  10055 http://localhost:10804 jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:10075/node
O=Company-E,L=Uster,ST=ZH,C=CH 10018 10118 10017  10058 http://localhost:10805 jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:10078/node

Port configurations

  • RPC servers starts with 10003, increment by 3
  • SSH servers starts with 10103, increment by 3
  • P2P servers starts with 10002, increment by 3
  • Admin servers starts with 10043, increment by 3 (not needed in the future by corda)
  • Web servers starts with 10801, increment by 1
  • H2 database servers starts with 10066, increment by 3


We want to

Each above node is able to start the following flow

  • Buying some products (P) flow with different costs attached to it (25, 99, 34)
  • Trigger some support (S) flow with different costs attached to it (9, 10, 45)
  • Trigger some Alarm Services (A) flow with different costs attached to it (53, 87)


Access to node database

  • Download the last stable h2 zip, unzip the zip, and navigate in a terminal window to the unzipped folder
  • Change directories to the bin folder: cd h2/bin
  • Run the following command to open the h2 web console in a web browser tab:
    • Unix: sh
    • Windows: h2.bat
  • this open a browser, copy the desired node jdbc url, e.g. jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:10050/node for Company A

Access to java running in node

  • Never 'step into' a suspendable method, but set always a breakpoint


Building new image, from root of this directory

docker system prune -a
docker build -f Dockerfile . -t cordalo-template

to push image

docker login --username=cordalo
# password in keepass
docker tag cordalo-template cordalo/cordalo-template:latest
docker push cordalo/cordalo-template:latest

new version now available at


A simple way to run and visualize multiple Corda node in your browser.







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