Live at
- Deploy:
cap production deploy
- Roll back to specific release:
cap production deploy:rollback ROLLBACK_RELEASE=xxxxxxx
sudo service postgresql start
Navigation barLogo, colors, fonts
Remove "#" page -
Pull in info from linkedin forAbout
page -
Mobile friendly -
with company logo -
Custom fonts -
Auto create database entries for new posts
Move About Us to database column
Move all stock photos to local active storage
Big image with text overlayLast 3 (can be changed) elements from PorfolioContactAbout
Photo Album attached to Posts, editable, on S3
Add/remove album photos in UI instead of in S3- Make album drag + drop sortable
First photo in album is the cover photo
- Job start date, end date / present
- Main photo of job
- Change the card to something more... "tailwind-ey"
- Check to see if newly uploaded image is a duplicate
- Restrict file size to maybe 5 MB?
- Restrict valid attachments to
%w(jpg jpeg gif png)
- Look into removing sassc / bootstrap and using tailwind
rails tailwindcss:watch