State management for Knockoutjs.
- I will soon work with Knockout in 2019 for the first time.
- The great testability and TypeScript support that the Overmind app's have.
In an Overmind React app we would have the following modules:
- react (view),
- overmind-react (bindings)
- overmind (state management with proxy updates)
And in an Overko app we will have:
- knockout (view)
- overko (bindings + state management with knockout observable updates)
Since overko uses Knockout's observables makes the library pretty light and simple to use.
Derive addMutationListener, addFlushListener are not included. (I feel you can replace these with knockout's features so they might never get added)
Namespaced/Nested state. (It would be a nice add but I left it out for now)
Functional actions, SSR. I don't have an use case for them yet. (I feel okay to leave them out)
Make bindings for other view libraries. (no way)
Christian Alfoni for making Overmind and producing tons of OSS and articles. This lib is heavily based on Overmind's api and features. Definetly check it out if you aren't convinced enough with your current state library in React, Vue or Angular.
Alex Bainter for the great article about modern Knockout development and simple knockout-store he created.