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coslyk edited this page Mar 31, 2020 · 9 revisions

Example for building packages from Github

name: moonplayer            # Package name
license: GPL-3.0            # Open source license

  host: github              # Fetch codes from github
  repo: coslyk/moonplayer   # Repo where the source code is stored
  method: build             # Build packages from source

You also need to create a debian-template directory. It will be copied to the source directory and renamed to debian. Within this directories, all ##VERSION will be replaced with the latest version and all ##RELEASE will be replaced with the Debian release (like buster).

Some examples for debian-template:

Example for copying packages from Github

This is useful if the developer already provides a .deb file from the Github Release page (e.g. most of the Electron projects).

This method is not recommended. Only use it if the project is very difficult to build.

name: codium                 # Should be the same with the original package name
license: MIT                 # Open source license

  host: github               # Download packages from Github
  repo: VSCodium/vscodium    # Repo where the source code is stored
  method: copy               # Copy from Github release pages.
                             # The script will search the best matching .deb file.

Example for building packages from 3rd websites

In this case, you also need to define get_version and source_url to tell the script how to get the latest version and how to download the source code.

In source_url, you can use ##VERSION to refer to the latest version.

name: wiznote
license: GPL-3.0

  host: other
  get_version: curl -s '' | sed 's/.*为知笔记 Mac 版 *\([0-9\.]*\).*/\1/g'
  method: build