A Giter8 template for tapir-zio-http4s project!
sbt new counter2015/tapir-zio-http4s.g8
It includes following default library dependency
- tapir Typed API descRiptions
- circe JSON library
- zio effect
- http4s http server and client
- logback log framework
The scala tools and version are:
- Scala 2.13.12
- sbt 1.9.9
The project generate by g8 template will have the same structure of src/main/g8
Following file path in table is relative to src/main/g8
Other interesting template :
Written in 2021 by counter2015 voidcounter@gmail.com
To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this template to the public domain worldwide. This template is distributed without any warranty. See cc zero 1.0.