The CP2K-CI system is a custom solution to run our resource intensive integration tests in a swift and affordable manner. It is based on Kubernetes and currently deployed on the Google Cloud Platform using preemptible virtual machines.
The typical use case consists of the following steps:
- User opens a pull request on Github.
- Github sends webhook events to frontend.
- Frontend places message into Pub/Sub queue.
- Backend receives Pub/Sub message and launches Kubernetes jobs.
- Backend continuously monitors the jobs and updates their status in the Github UI.
- The jobs upload their reports to Cloud Storage via signed urls.
- The user sees job summaries on Github and may download full reports from Cloud Storage.
The CP2K-CI can be enabled for any repository within the CP2K GitHub organization. The repositories are configured via the file. The fields have the following meaning.
Field | Description |
name | Name of repository below . |
targets_config | Path to targets configuration file within the given repository. |
required_checks | List of targets that should run automatically for every pull request. |
The targets of a repository are configured via a file within the repository itself, e.g. like this.
The file has the format of the python configparser. Each section is refereed to as a target. Typical sections looks like this:
display_name: Regtest sdbg
tags: daily
cpu: 32
nodepools: pool-t2d-32
build_path: /
dockerfile: /tools/docker/Dockerfile.test_sdbg
The fields have the following meaning. All lists are white-space separated.
Field | Description |
[foo-bar] | Internal name used e.g. in report url. |
display_name | Visible name of check run. |
tags | List of tags, e.g. asap , daily , or weekly used for cron scheduling. |
cpu | Number of CPUs to allocate for building and running. |
gpu | Number of GPUs to allocate for building and running. |
arch | Architecture of the CPU, possible values are "arm64" and "x86", defaults to "x86". |
nodepools | List of eligible nodepools, see also. |
build_args | List of Docker build arguments. |
build_path | Path to build context within given repository. |
dockerfile | Path to Dockerfile within given repository. |
cache_from | Optional name of target that should be used as additional cache source during the build. |
trigger_path | Regular expression that forces a check run if it matches any of the modified files. |
The CP2K-CI communication with its container via a simple protocol. See the script for an example implementation.
The CP2K-CI passes as input the following environment variables to its containers:
Environment Variable | Description |
Git branch to test, e.g. master or pull/42/merge . |
Git ref to test from given branch, typically the SHA of the latest commit. |
The container must output a report using the dashboard format.
Additionally, the container can make files available to the user by writting them to /workspace/artifacts
The CP2K-CI system consists of three components. Each resides in its own sub directory and gets automatically deployed as a container by Cloud Build.
- Hosted on Cloud Run, reachable at
- Runs a simple Flask application for receiving events from Github via webhooks.
- After validating their signature the Github events are placed into a Pub/Sub message queue.
- A Python daemon that contains all the logic.
- Runs as a Kubernetes Deployment on a preemptible n1-standard-1 instance.
- Receives messages from Pub/Sub.
- Polls Kubernetes job statuses every 5 seconds.
- Polls Github pull requests every 2.5 minutes as safeguard against lost events.
- All state information is stored in the job's metadata and the check run's external_id.
- Collection of utility scripts.
- Used for building and running targets.
- Used for running CronJobs, e.g. for the Dashboard.
- Cron jobs use the command line tool to inject Pub/Sub messages. It doubles as admin tool.
The CP2K-CI system is a one-off implementation that is not meant to be installed multiple times. Nevertheless, the following steps are roughly what needs to be done to re-install the CP2K-CI system:
- Run scripts in
(finding the right order is left as an exercise ;-) - Run
kubectl apply -f manifests/
repeatedly until ''convergence''. - Register Cloud Build triggers for all
files and run them once manually. - Request quota for