This is a dockerfile to run autossh inside a docker container and create ssh tunnels.
The image is availablein docker hub:
docker pull lastko/docker-autossh
Or you can clone, fork or use it as a template and create your own image.
Environment variables:
- REMOTE_TARGET_HOST: Target host to connect within remote local network. Default localhost.
- REMOTE_TARGET_PORT: Target port to connect within remote local network.
- REMOTE_SSH_HOST: Remote host to create ssh connection.
- REMOTE_SSH_PORT: Remote port to create ssh connection.
- REMOTE_SSH_USER: Remote user to use in ssh connection.
- LOCAL_PORT: Local port tu bind remote target port. Default same port set in REMOTE_TARGET_HOST
- LOCAL_HOST: To bind remote host. Default localhost.
- SSH_IDENTITY_FILE: if you want to use RSA file set here the path inside container. Default .ssh/id_rsa. Make sure you attach the file to the container.
- ARGS: Extra args for autossh command [[]]
If you have ssh acount in remoteHost (por 22) and you want to bind your local port 5432 with a postgres running in host within remoteHost network (with no public ip):
docker run \
--rm \
--name=myContainer \
--network myNetwork \
-e REMOTE_SSH_HOST=remoteHost \
-e REMOTE_SSH_USER=ubuntu \
-e ARGS="-M 0 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ServerAliveInterval=5 -o ServerAliveCountMax=3 -o AddressFamily=inet" \
-e SSH_IDENTITY_FILE=/root/.ssh/id_rsa \
-v /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa \
This command should create myContainer reachable by any container running within myNetwork. You can connect to remote postgres with another container running in the same network using postgresql://user:secret@localhost:5432 connection URI using credentials for remote connection (user:secret).