AngularJS demo application.
Technology stack:
- Gradle 1.6
- AngularJS 1.2
- Spring 4.0.1
- Spring Data JPA 1.5.0
- Hibernate 4.3.1 (as JPA provider)
- QueryDsl 3.3.1
- Openshift
Application available under:
- general project structure
- Gradle (1.6 instead of 1.11 due to an Openshift issue)
- Eclipse integration via Gradle-Eclipse plugin
- generation of
classes - generation of project
with Spring Rest service,WAR
with AngularJS webapp)
- Gradle (1.6 instead of 1.11 due to an Openshift issue)
- in-memory HSQL database managed by Spring
- Spring Framework (4.0.1)
- java-based Spring configuration
- rest service endpoint
- cookie based security (+login, +logout, but not yet CSRF safe)
- aspect driven Hibernate Validator (+ custom validation messages)
- sample GET + POST requests implementation
- JPA layer
- Spring Data JPA (1.5.0)
- custom Spring Data repository
- QueryDsl (3.3.1)
- AngularJS application (1.2)
- angular-animation used for fluent appearence of validation messages
- custom Angular directive
- custom Angular filter
- employee table with client side filter|order|paging
- HTTP 401 handing in Angular interceptor
- Bootstrap layout
- Superhero Theme -
- AngularJS application (1.2)
- Openshift integration
- Url:
- execution of Gradle build and automatic redeployment after
git push
- Openshift integration
- list of employees with client side paging|filtering|order
- create|edit employee in modal window
- route to the salary list of a given employee
- list of salaries available only for authenticated users
- server side filter|sort
- login + logout via navbar
- use admin/admin credentials to sing in
- list of employees with client side paging|filtering|order
- security
- simple permission system (+role based, +field based?)
- token based CSRF resitance
- testing
- server side unit tests + integration tests with rest
- client (+jasmine, +karma)
- funcionality
- registration
- logging
- RequireJS
- more ... TBD?
- prerequisites:
- Gradle 1.6
- IDE: Eclipse (including tc-server / tomcat)
- execute
gradle eclipse
- import projects into eclipse
- create a server in eclipse
- add
projects to server deployments - start the server and publish the application
- make sure that context-root is properly set in your http server
- make sure that context-root is properly set in your http server
- test the stuff:
- webservice:
- application:
- webservice:
- in order to generate QueryDsl classes execute
gradle compileJava
- enjoy!
- add public ssh key to the openshift account
- add openshift remote to local git repository
git remote add openshift -f ssh://530e696d5973ca8fe20003b4@app-springular.rhcl
- push to openshift
git push openshift HEAD
- git push triggers a build and automatically deploys a new version of the application