SCPI Parser library aims to provide parsing ability of SCPI commands on instrument side. All commands are defined by its patterns eg: "STATus:QUEStionable:EVENt?"
Source codes are published with open source Simplified BSD license.
SCPI parser library is based on these standards
SCPI version compliance
SCPI version | v1999.0 |
Supported command patterns
Feature | Pattern example |
Short and long form | MEASure means MEAS or MEASURE command |
Common command | *CLS |
Compound command | CONFigure:VOLTage |
Query command | MEASure:VOLTage? , *IDN? |
Optional keywords | MEASure:VOLTage[:DC]? |
Numeric keyword suffix Multiple identical capabilities | OUTput#:FREQunecy |
Supported parameter types
Type | Example |
Decimal | 10 , 10.5 |
Decimal with suffix | -5.5 V , 1.5 KOHM |
Hexadecimal | #HFF |
Octal | #Q77 |
Binary | #B11 |
String | "text" , 'text' |
Arbitrary block | #12AB |
Program expression | (1) |
Numeric list | (1,2:50,80) |
Channel list | (@1!2:3!4,5!6) |
Character data | MINimum , DEFault , INFinity |
增加嵌入式环境交叉编译环境脚本 NOTE:注意修改交叉编译工具路径
#source environment-setup