This is a system to enhance the experience of flying in group with friends.
This includes:
- A server to handle 2-way communications. The web server also provides with a web interface to display all participating aircraft and upcoming events.
- A client to communicate with flight simulators via SimConnect and send data to the server.
- The same client can also serve as a simplified FSD server for ATC radar software such as Euroscope or AURORA.
- A Discord bot to automatically move players between voice channels based on their COM1 frequency{BOT_CLIENT_ID}&scope=bot&permissions=221249553
- The client automatically forces single instance unless
flag is used at launch.
- Show ATC on map
- Show flight path trace
- Show multiple trace at the same time
- Dynamic refresh rate
- Dark mode on map
- Show flight status on Discord
- Bot command !finfo
- Colors for connection states
- Teleport aircraft using map
- x64 SimConnect from MSFS
- Setting for minimize to Task bar
- Search airport on map
- MSIX packaging
- Gamebar integration
- Gradient for altitude
- 3D terrain