Releases: cristal-ise/restapi
v3.6.0 - Use POST for login
v3.5.0 - Binary Attachment, Temporary Password
#31 | New API: getJobFormTemplate()
#30 | ItemRoot.requestTransition() should execute predefined steps as well
#24 | Add new api: getCollectionUpdateFormTemplate()
#22 | Improve exception handling
#21 | Add domain pathes to the ItemSummary
#20 | Add Naming convention based on Type property to execute script to create master outcome
#18 | Add Groovy test dependency
#17 | ItemSummary should contain field if the Item has master outcome or not
#16 | Make JSON representation of collection more TypeScript compliant
#15 | Add access to workflow of the Item
#13 | Implement ItemRoot.getJobs() as a GET method instead of OPTIONS
#12 | Add resource access to all BuiltInResources enumeration
#11 | Use BuiltInResources enumeration instead of hard-coded string literals
Bug fixes
#32 | Use ISO UTC format when converting Events to JSON
#28 | Do not validate Outcome before executing Script or Query
#27 | GetViewpoint('last') return an old value
#26 | History is not refreshed in cache after receiving a proxy message of a new event
#25 | javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException exception thrown randomly
#23 | Serialize script execution of Master outcomes
#19 | Domain search result contains wrong domain path value
Final release of the kernel as part of the CRISTAL-iSE project, solidifying description structure and enriching activity and state machine semantics.
- Description collections: different description types are now linked to each other using collections, instead of the original reference by name in activity properties (ScriptName, SchemaType etc). This means that the name of the description object is no longer important. It can change, and no longer needs to be unique in the domain tree. Also, the /desc/ domain contexts are no longer required, though the module resource import system still relies on it. At the instance level, description objects are now referenced by UUID.
- DataHelpers can be referenced and resolved in Activity properties, meaning that state machine behaviour and other activity related actions can easily use property, outcome and viewpoint data in their logic.
- State machine activities can reinitialize their Activity, which resets sub-workflows of Composite Activities. This is used by the new 'loop' transition, which will repeat a Composite Activity as it completes if the 'RepeatWhen' activity property results in 'true'
- New TransactionalClusterStorage extended interface adds begin, commit and abort methods to allow backends to be given a group of every object in a particular kernel transaction, so that it may optimize its writing.
- Many bugfixes and improvements
As of this release, the Kernel and GUI jars, along with the LDAP and XMLDB plugins, are published by Travis to Maven central, so the old build server at UWE should no longer be used.