A lita extension to build wizards (surveys, standups, etc). You can instruct your chat bot to ask several questions, validate responses.
Add lita-wizard to your Lita plugin's gemspec:
spec.add_runtime_dependency "lita-wizard"
Create a subclass of Lita::Wizard
class MyWizard
# provide the wizard steps
step :name, label: "Your name:"
step :bio, label: "Tell me something about yourself:", multiline: true
step :lang, label: "What's your preferred programming language?", options: %w(ruby php)
step :years, label: "For how many years you're a programmer?", validate: /\d+/
step :really, label: "Really?", options: %w(yes no), if: ->(wizard) { value_for(:years).to_i > 15 }
# or you can have dynamic wizard steps
def steps
# return an array of objects responding to the following methods:
# name: a string / symbol
# lable: a string
# multiline: boolean
# (optional) validate: regexp
# (optional) options: array
# (optional) if: a proc
# you can override the following methods to customize the messages
def initial_message
"Great! I'm going to ask you some questions. During this time I cannot take regular commands. " \
"You can abort at any time by writing abort"
def abort_message
"Aborting. Resume your normal operations"
def final_message
"You're done!"
# You can implement the following methods to customize the wizard behaviour.
# The wizard has an instance method `meta` which contains some data you
# set when starting the wizard
def start_wizard
def abort_wizard
def finish_wizard
In your handler call start_wizard
to initialize the process
route /^some command$/, :a_callback
def a_callback(request)
start_wizard(Mywizard, request.message, some_data: 1, other_data: 2)
- Fork it ( https://github.com/cristianbica/lita-wizard/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request