This is my personal dwm setup with following patches:
- cool autostart
- azerty
- custom keybindings and colors (see dwm/config.def.h for more details)
- hide vacant tags
- noborder
- pertag
- warp
git clone && \
cd dwm-custom/ && \
bash dwm.bash
dwm.bash will install the dependencies, compile and install dwl, dmenu and slstatus
from_minimal.bash will start from a minimal Debian or Archlinux CLI installation and install and configure xorg and greetd in addition to execute dwm.bash
git clone && \
cd dwm-custom/ && \
bash from_minimal.bash
It will also configure autologin and install a bunch of packages you might not want, to work with my dwm configuration. Please read it before
- flatpak application in dmenu
sudo ln -s /var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin/io.freetubeapp.FreeTube /usr/bin/freetube
- suckless team for dwm, dmenu and slstatus
- dwm patches contributors
- xorg & greetd
- ChrisTitusTech/dwm-titus
- Reddit, GitHub and Stackoverflow platforms & users