git clone
cd mapping-challenge-starter-kit
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please download the datasets from, and put them in the data/
folder. Untar them (this might take some time) to have the following directory structure:
|-- data/
| |-- test_images/ (has all images for prediction)
| |-- train/
| | |-- images (has all the images for training)
| | |__ annotation.json : Annotation of the data in MS COCO format
| | |__ annotation-small.json : Smaller version of the "annotation.json"
| |-- val/
| | |-- images (has all the images for training)
| | |__ annotation.json : Annotation of the data in MS COCO format
| | |__ annotation-small.json : Smaller version of the "annotation.json"
Now you can refer to the list of Jupyter Notebooks for different aspects of the challenge and the datasets. You can access all of them by :
Train Mask-RCNN
- Installation
- Training
- Prediction & Submission
- NOTE : This is in a separate repository, and we have also now added the pretrained weights from the baseline submission to the datasets page.
A big shout out to our awesome community members @MasterScat (Florian Laurent), Snigdha Dagar, and Iuliana Voinea, for their help in preparing the datasets and designing the challenge.
Sharada Mohanty