This is a simple Flutter application for experimenting with the Flutter framework.
Outputs a random programming excuse in the selected language.
Currently supporting English, French and Italian.
For help getting started with Flutter, view Flutter's online documentation.
If you find any issues, just file a new issue here:
If you want to add new translations:
- Please use this file as a template:
- If you are a developer, just fork this repository and open a PR (you should
know what this means) with:
- a new txt file with your translations (one per line) in folder
- the file name MUST be the language (lowercase) with extension
. E.g.español.txt
(special character are supported) - add a new line in file
with the language you want to add (lowercase)
- a new txt file with your translations (one per line) in folder
- If you are not a developer
- create a new 'Issue' clicking at:
- specify the language in the title
- copy/paste your translations in the text area (one translation per line)
If you want, you will be listed as a contributor to this project.
- Heavily inspired by - Excuses For Lazy Coders
- Initial english excuses from
- English translations from Tim Carry
- French translations from
- Italian translations by Christian Sarnataro