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This project hold the necessary stuffs for eip application installation using a docker container. The eip application run in a container called openmrs-eip-sender. The container has the ability to pickup updates for eip application. The new releases (routes, jar, scripts, etc) must be put in release_stuff directory. The release update mechanism check the information in script. So, every time there is a new release the information in this script must be updated so that the remote computer can see the new releases. The eip container share the VOLUME with the host matchine in folder ./shared. This folder hold important things such as logs, debezium offset file, backups, etc. The container is shipped with backup mecanism which performe backups of eip mgt database and debezium offset files. The backup are persisted in shared folder under ./shared/bkps.

If you wish to send some maintenance commands to the remote sites, you can always ship the new releases with scripts included in after_ugrade folder. These scripts will be picked-up after the apgrade and run in the container. Scripts in this directory will be run once within the container.



To have the eip application run, the mysql bin-logs must be active in the remote openmrs database.

If you are using openmrs instance based on this docker project follow the steps bellow:

Export the folder of OpenMRS installation


Or set the default


Stop the openmrs instance containers using the command

docker-compose -f $OPENMRS_PATH/docker-compose.yml stop

Edit the file "$OPENMRS_PATH/mysql/mysql.cnf" adding 3 lines bellow under [mysqld] group:

vi $OPENMRS_PATH/mysql/mysql.cnf

Rebuild the conteiners using the command

docker-compose -f $OPENMRS_PATH/docker-compose.yml up --build -d

After this, the 3 lines added in step 3 must apear in “~/.my.cnf” file inside dabase container. Run the bellow command to check

docker exec -it refapp-db cat /root/.my.cnf

After rebuilding the containers you should check if the bin-logs is up running the instrunction bellow in mysql database

docker exec -i refapp-db mysql -u DB_USER_NAME -pDB_USER_PASSWORD -e "show variables like '%log_bin%'";

The result should be as shown in the image



Create a eip user

sudo useradd -m -d /home/eip -s /bin/bash -G sudo,docker eip

Define a password for eip user

sudo passwd eip

Now login as eip user

su - eip

(For offline installation, see here)

Init a git repository in /home/eip directory

git init && git checkout -b main

Associate the project to related docker project in github

git remote add origin

Pull the remote project into local directory

git pull --depth=1 origin main

Copy the ./eip.template.env file to ./eip.env using the command

cp eip.template.env eip.env

Edit the env in the file copied above putting the correct values for the env variables


The SENDER_ID codes will be provided by the central team.

Running the project

To run the project for the first time hit the bellow command inside of the eip user home directory (/home/eip)

docker-compose up -d

Follow the container logs using

docker logs --follow openmrs-eip-sender

And the eip logs using

docker exec -it openmrs-eip-sender tail -f /home/eip/logs/eip/openmrs-eip.log


If you notice some issue installing the application create a daemon.json file in location /var/lib/docker and put bellow code

        "dns": [""]

Depending on your docker environment this file could be in /etc/docker/daemon.json

Offline installation

For this procedure you need to have the eip_home.tar.gz file, which can be found in the releases page.

Copy the eip_home.tar.gz file to /home/eip

Change working directory to /home/eip

cd /home/eip


tar -xf eip_home.tar.gz

Import local images to docker

docker import docker_images/openmrs-eip-sender.tar openmrs-eip-sender:latest

Continue with the setup process from here

Appendix A: Procedure for creating assets and publish a new release

Prepare offline installation archive

First, proceed with a fresh online installation of the desired release, then create EIP Sender container.

Change working directory to /home/eip

cd /home/eip

Create the EIP Sender container

docker-compose up -d

Stop the EIP Sender container

docker-compose stop

Clean local EIP Home

sudo rm -rf shared/.debezium

Create dir for docker images

mkdir docker_images

Export container

docker export $(docker ps -aqf "name=openmrs-eip-sender") > docker_images/openmrs-eip-sender.tar

Change base image from docker compose yml files

sed -i 's/openjdk:8-alpine/openmrs-eip-sender:latest/g' docker-compose.yml

Create archive with EIP Home content

tar -czf eip_home.tar.gz --exclude='eip.env' --exclude='snap' *

The file eip_home.tar.gz can now be uploaded as a release asset.

Publish the release

First create releases for each of the related repositories (where applicable, or use existing ones), ie., OpenMRS EIP and EPTS Sync:

Build the appropriate jar file

Generate the hash file, replacing [jar_file_name] with the respective name:

sha256sum [jar_file_name] > [jar_file_name].SHA256

Create the release and attach the jar and hash file as Release Assets.

Then create a release in this repository:

  1. Change the file, setting the RELEASE_NAME, RELEASE_DATE and RELEASE_DESC values.

  2. If this release also ships a new release of the related repositories (OpenMRS EIP / EPTS Sync), change the urls in OPENMRS_EIP_APP_RELEASE_URL and/or EPTSSYNC_API_RELEASE_URL.

  3. Create the release and attach as Asset the offline installation archive created with this procedure.

Appendix B: Procedure for recovering Dbsync State After OpenMRS reinstallation

Recovery with a backup of dbsync management database

If for any reason the OpenMRS server in a remote site need to be re-installed, a part from create a backup of OpenMRS database there is a need to backup the dbsync management database (mgt-db). The dbsync mgt-db resides in the same mysql server where the openmrs database is located. The name of mgt-db will be like openmrs_eip_sender_mgt_SITE_ID, where SITE_ID is the value of property db_sync_senderId in the configuration file. Before you re-install the dbsync you must restore the mgt-db and then proceed with a fresh installation of dbsync.

Recovery without dbsync management database

If for some reason the dbsync management database (mgt-db) is lost. You will have to perform a fresh installation without a starting mgt-db. And after the installation you must run the re-sync process using the estimated last sync date; this date will be provided by the central team. The re-sync processes will be run using the command bellow

docker exec -i openmrs-eip-sender /home/eip/scripts/ 'LAST_KNOWN_SYNC_DATE'

Note that the date must be in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.