ElementalSouls present you a framework which is suited for everyone in the cybersecurity community. This Framework is called The Cynaide Framework This Framework consists of various sections as explained below with many tools in each section
Amritya Vaibhav Dembla (Dboidembla)
Sachin Sharma (Cyanide)
- Information Gathering & Networking
- Web Based Attacks
- Wireless Attacks
- Lazagne (Coming Soon)
- Password Attacks
- Infectious Media Generator
- TBomb
- Hash and Cipher Generator
- Hash and Cipher Decoder
- Phishing Attacks
- Nmap
- Setoolkit
- WPScan
- MAC Changer
- Crips
- RouterSploit
- Nikto
- Crawler
- Dirb
- Wapiti
- WPScan
- JoomScan
- Brute-Force Wi-Fi
- Fluxion
- Bluetooth Scanner
- Airgeddon
Note: Use a Wifi-Card
Note: Coming Soon
- John the Ripper
- Aircrack-ng
- Ophcrack
- Hydra
Android FUD
Payload Generator (13 Different Type of Payload)
=> Android => Linux => Windows => MAC => PHP => JSP => WAR => BASH => Python => Perl => Linux Shell => Windows Shell => Mac OSX Shell
- Base64
- MD5
- ROT5
- ROT13
- SHA256
- SHA384
- SHA512
- Vigenere
-Check Cipher Type
- Base64
- MD5
- sha1
- ROT13
- SHA256
- SHA384
- SHA512
- HiddenEye
- Blackeye
- SocialPhish
- AdvPhishing
- Zphisher
- Nexphisher
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt install python2 -y
sudo apt install python3 -y
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo git clone https://github.com/esjoker/Cyanide-Framework_v0.2
cd Cyanide-Framework_v0.2/
sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo chmod u+x launcher.sh
sudo ./launcher.sh
The author does not hold any responsibility for the malicious use of this framework,this framework is only for educational purpose. Our mission is to help educate future Cyber Security Professionals by providing actual hands on experience using this Framework. Our framework is designed to provide future Cyber Security Professionals with the ability to enable their technical education and understanding of various attack vectors, thereby increasing their defensive posture.
The Person who intends to misuse it shall be responsible for his/her actions as per the law.