ECPy (pronounced ekpy), is a pure python Elliptic Curve library providing ECDSA, EDDSA (Ed25519), ECSchnorr, Borromean signatures as well as Point operations.
Full html documentation is available here.
ECDSA sample
from ecpy.curves import Curve,Point from ecpy.keys import ECPublicKey, ECPrivateKey from ecpy.ecdsa import ECDSA cv = Curve.get_curve('secp256k1') pu_key = ECPublicKey(Point(0x65d5b8bf9ab1801c9f168d4815994ad35f1dcb6ae6c7a1a303966b677b813b00, 0xe6b865e529b8ecbf71cf966e900477d49ced5846d7662dd2dd11ccd55c0aff7f, cv)) pv_key = ECPrivateKey(0xfb26a4e75eec75544c0f44e937dcf5ee6355c7176600b9688c667e5c283b43c5, cv) signer = ECDSA() sig = signer.sign(b'01234567890123456789012345678912',pv_key) assert(signer.verify(b'01234567890123456789012345678912',sig,pu_key))
Point sample
from ecpy.curves import Curve,Point cv = Curve.get_curve('secp256k1') P = Point(0x65d5b8bf9ab1801c9f168d4815994ad35f1dcb6ae6c7a1a303966b677b813b00, 0xe6b865e529b8ecbf71cf966e900477d49ced5846d7662dd2dd11ccd55c0aff7f, cv) k = 0xfb26a4e75eec75544c0f44e937dcf5ee6355c7176600b9688c667e5c283b43c5 Q = k*P R = P+Q
Fix issue 19
Fix ECDSA when mesaage hash length is greater than domain order length
Move from distutils to setuptools
Fix ECSchnorr when r is greater than order. Main use case is when using a hash function with bitlength greater than curve size.
Fix ECDSA with rfc6979. Field was used instead of order for max random.
Missing README update
Fix rfc6979. Now conform to RFC and fully compat with python-ecdsa (
Fix DER encoding for length greater than 128
Declare ONE infinity point per curve. Consider global (non attached to a curve) infinity point as deprecated
Fix infinity point management in ECDSA
Fix issue #13
Merge PR11, fixing an overflow with secp521k1
Initial 1.x series (Beta)
$ pip install ECPy
Download last dist tarball.
Untar it
$ tar xzvf ECPy-M.m.tar.gz
install it (or use it as is...)
$ python3 install
Clone the git repository
Rebuild the tarball
$ python3 sdist
Continue with the created tarball dist.
You can regenerate the doc from git clone
$ cd doc $ make singlehtml
Documentation is in build dir