This repo contains Moray, the highly-available key/value store from Joyent. Moray offers a simple put/get/del (as well as search) protocol on top of Postgres 9.x, over plain TCP see
This repository is part of the Joyent SmartDataCenter project (SDC), and the Joyent Manta project. For contribution guidelines, issues, and general documentation, visit the main SDC and Manta project pages.
You'll want a Manatee instance up and running first (which itself requires
ZooKeeper), so the easiest way is to point at an existing COAL or Manta
standup. Once you have that, you'll need to create a database and the minimal
schema necessary to bootstrap moray (issue these against whatever DB is
currently primary
in manatee):
createdb -U postgres -O moray moray
psql -U postgres moray
moray=# CREATE TABLE buckets_config (
name text PRIMARY KEY,
index text NOT NULL,
pre text NOT NULL,
post text NOT NULL,
options text,
mtime timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
moray=# alter table buckets_config owner to moray
Note if you want to use a different database name than moray
, you can, you
just need to set the environment variable MORAY_DB_NAME
to whatever you want
before starting the server.
Once the above is done, edit one of the JSON files in ./etc/
(based on whether
you're using an SDC or Manatee, and whether COAL or lab) to have the correct
ZooKeeper endpoint(s) and domain name (note the domain name is the DNS name of
the manatee to back this Moray instance - that DNS name is "mapped" into
ZooKeeper). If in doubt, compare against the configuration for the Moray zone
deployed atop the Manatee you're deploying against. Then, source in ./
(this ensures you have the moray node et al) and run:
. ./
Which will open up Moray on port 2020. You can now use the CLI in
or whatever other means you want of talking to the server.
Before run tests, you should consider point config file to a different DB
than moray
. There is a script at tools/
which will create
a moray_test
DB for you and run an additional moray-test
instance listening
at port 2222
. Just scping into GZ and executing it should work.
Then, make sure your test file points to the right port:
MORAY_PORT=2222 make test
To run tests on default 2020
port just do:
make test
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Copyright (c) 2014, Joyent, Inc.