PepPre is a method to detect peptide precursors from LC-MS map to promote peptide identification, validation, etc.
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Please install Julia (version 1.9 or newer) from
Please clone MesMS.jl and PepPre.jl by:
git clone
git clone
Please cd
to the root folder of PepPre.jl
cd PepPre.jl
And the compile the project using:
julia --project=. util/complie.jl
The complied files would be located at ./tmp/{your platform}/
Finally, please run the scripts based on your platform if you want to build the graphic user inerface and package the software:
sh util/
# or
sh util/
# or
Python, PyInstaller, and Tkinter are required to build the GUI. You can also call PepPre or PepPreView from command line directly using the compiled files.
The packaged software would be located at ./tmp/release/
author = {Ching Tarn and Yu-Zhuo Wu and Kai-Fei Wang},
title = {PepPre: Promote Peptide Identification Using Accurate and Comprehensive Precursors},
journal = {Journal of Proteome Research},
doi = {10.1021/acs.jproteome.3c00293},
url = {},
year = {2024},
type = {Journal Article}
Tarn, C., Wu, Y.-Z., & Wang, K.-F. (2024). PepPre: Promote Peptide Identification Using Accurate and Comprehensive Precursors. Journal of Proteome Research.