This project is a part of the Waris Lakthong senior project, focusing on developing a hybrid search system for Dhammanva question-answer videos. The system is designed using a microservices architecture, with each backend service adhering to clean architecture principles.
To deploy / develop each service or each database please check for each one. This provided only overall of the project.
- Frontend Service
- Search Service
- Authentication Service
- Data Management Service
- Machine learning Service
- Ml Gateway Service
All data is extracted from Dhammanva live question-answer video transcripts (visit the youtube channel), which include:
- Start time of the section
- End time of the section
- Question
- Answer
- YouTube URL
The data is stored in the data directory.
The stop word dictionary use in this project is currently from pythainlp as store in stopwords
In .github/workflows directiory contians workflow for each container and each workflow will run on workflow_dispatch
, means you need to press a run
button in github actions page.
for more information please visit .github/workflows
If using CI/CD to deploy the env file, please check the variables carefully. Since there are some variables which manually deploy (not from secret)
- docker install
- Make install (optional)
Clone the project
, paste in the same directory then rename to.env
(for more information in env variable navigate to Environment Variables) -
Start services (2 ways)
- Using Make
- Install Make
- run
make up_build make up_monitoring
- Using docker
- Navigate to each service Dockerfile
- Delete all comments line (to build service)
- cd to root project
- run
docker compose -f up -d
- Using Make
Or in case you want to run each service individually, you can navigate to each service and reading through
By default you should use github workflow and deploy to produciton by trigger each jobs you want. However if you want something more you can use and Makefile to set the service as you want. | These 2 files already have ci action to savely deploy to server
- ; manipulate through docker compose
Makefile is the collection of commands I prebuilt which you can run using
make <command>
all the details for each command provided in the comment section in Makefile
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
: username to access elasticSearch
: password to access elasticSearch
: username to access Auth DB (PostgreSQL)
: password to access Auth DB (PostgreSQL)
: key used to sign JWT token
: email of sender use to send email in reset password process
: app password (Gmail) of sender
: url link to provide reset password token (local would be frontend, production would be host name)
: Username for the super admin account
: Password for the super admin account
: Email for the super admin account
: Password for the admin account
: Email for the admin account
: Password for the user account
: Email for the user account
: Default username for data management database
: password for default user in data management database
: username for docker hub use only in production
: username for rabbit mq service; this value will be set as default user and needed services will used this value as credential
: password for rabbit mq service; this value will be set as default user and needed services will used this value as credential
: username for login to grafana dashboard
: password for login to grafana dashboard
: evaluation form for user to evaluate website, display in frontend
Note if you run each project without docker e.g.
go run main.go
you do not need to assign the .env variables each service has default env variables in app.env exceptSENDER_PASSWORD
, which you are required to as#app.env
Frontend: React, Typescript, Vite, Chakra UI, Tiptap
Search service: Golang, ElasticSearch
Authentication service: Golang, PostgreSQL
Data management service: Golang, MongoDB
Machine Learning service: Python, Flask
Communication: GRPC, RabbitMQ
Containerization: Docker
Monitoring: Loki, Promtail, Grafana, Prometheus
├── auth-db # initialize authentication database
├── auth-service
├── data-management-service
├── elastic # initialize elasticSearch
├── frontend
├── .github/workflows # Workflow files (CI/CD)
├── nginx # nginx file for both dev and prod
├── search-esdb-service
├── ml-service
├── data # Store data source
├── record # Records (Q&A , start & end time, URL, ...)
├── stopword # List of stopword
|- monitoring # directory store config file for monitoring related
├── .env.template # template of .env
├── .secrets.template # template of .secrets used in act (test workflow locally)
├── Makefile # Makefile used in development
├── # Makefile used in production
├── # used to build image and test local
├── # used in production
You can discover more information for each directory in
of each directory
This project is under development