Look through http://programmableweb.com for publicly-accessible APIs that I'd like to experiment with. Write a class like the sample
provided that pulls data from them and converts the results into a hash. -
If I'm feeling really ambitious, # for a Microsoft Bing Maps Key, and write a class that counts the number of severe traffic incidents occurring in and around Baltimore, MD. The Bing traffic API is documented here:
Chosen as it has a public API that does not require registration. Also allows for requesting data in JSON format.
Requires registration and an API key. Wanted to try my hand at using an API key at the same time creating something my wife could potentially use.
A simple fetcher that attempts to connect to a URL and returns:
- Code 20x: { available: true }
- Anything Else: { available: false }
- This includes handling timeouts
- Rescuing any exceptions
- Support HTTPS
- Fetcher::Base#fetch should fully support an HTTPS url passed in
- Ammend Fetcher::Base to provide a 'secure_fetch' which forces HTTPS
- Support handling timeouts after 30 seconds by default (but leave configurable)