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DrDaveD edited this page Nov 10, 2023 · 1 revision

In order to build the rpm, assuming you have set up your own standard RPMBUILD area:

  1. Check out the source from github into a separate working area.
  2. In your RPMBUILD/SOURCES directory, make a cvmfs-hastratum1-$VERSION symlink where $VERSION is the Version field from cvmfs-hastratum1.spec
  3. In the same directory, create a tarball with
    tar chvf cvmfs-hastratum1-$VERSION.tgz --exclude .git cvmfs-hastratum1-$VERSION
  4. In your RPMBUILD/SPEC directory, make a cvmfs-hastratum1.spec symlink pointing to the file in your working area.
  5. In the same directory build with
    rpmbuild -ba cvmfs-hastratum1.spec
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