Code for the paper: "Leveraging speaker attribute information using multi task learning for speaker verification and diarization"
The overall concept of this paper is that training speaker embedding extractors on auxiliary attributes (such as age or nationality) alongside speaker classification can lead to increased performance for verification and diarization. Training the embeddings in this multi-task fashion can improve the descriptiveness of the embedding space.
This is implemented by having multiple task-specific "heads" acting on the embeddings, such as x-vectors. Alongside speaker classification, one might employ age classification/regression, or nationality classification. A general diagram for this can be seen below:
Along with experimental code, this repository covers other data preparation tasks used in the paper, such as webscraping age information for lawyers in SCOTUS, and nationality for Wikipedia celebrities.
- Requirements
- SCOTUS Data Preparation
- VoxCeleb Data Preparation
- Experiments
This was tested on python 3.6.8
- General requirements:
- numpy
- tqdm
- sklearn
- scipy
- Web-scraping:
- beautifulsoup4
- wikipedia
- wptools
- Levenshtein
- python-dateutil
- Experiments:
- Kaldi
- torch
- kaldi_io
You will also need access to the API, along with a custom google search API key, with instructions of how to obtain/set these up in the SCOTUS Data Preparation section.
This work utilizes the information available via the Oyez project, which provides audio files and transcriptions for US Supreme Court oral arguments.
The Oyez project has an API, an example of which can be seen here:
Thankfully, another GitHub repo exists which has already scraped the information provided by the API for each case and auto-updates every week: This ~3.5GB repo will be used to extract the cases that we want audio and transcripts for.
The following command will clone this repo (specifically my fork, which doesn't update with new cases, to ensure consistency with the number of cases that I have tested my code with):
git clone
The location of this repository which contains the case information will be referred to $SCOTUS_CASE_REPO
throughout the rest of the SCOTUS section. Of course, if you want to obtain the most up to date recordings, then you should clone the original repo by walkerdb.
exists and has been cloned from GitHub, we can now make us of the MTL-Speaker-Embeddings repo:
git clone
cd MTL-Speaker-Embeddings/scotus_data_prep
which puts us inside the scotus_data_prep
folder, which is where the data prep scripts for SCOTUS are all present.
Next, we want to run the first step, which downloads mp3 files and filters the cases which we can use. This takes in as input the location of the case JSONs in $SCOTUS_CASE_REPO
and then produces a data folder (of which the location is up to you) which we will call $BASE_OUTFOLDER
, which will store all the SCOTUS data to be used later on.
python --case-folder $SCOTUS_CASE_REPO/oyez/cases --base-outfolder $BASE_OUTFOLDER
This parses through the cases in $SCOTUS_CASE_REPO
and eliminates cases argued before October 2005, as this is when the Supreme Court started recording digitally, instead of using a reel-to-reel taping system. The taped recordings were excluded as there were a number of problems and defects with these recordings as detailed here: This script also eliminates cases where audio can't be found, and also ones where the transcription has a lot of invalid speaker turns (0 or less duration speaker turns).
The outcome should be a file structure in $BASE_OUTFOLDER
something like so:
├── speaker_ids.json
├── audio
| ├── 2007.07-330.mp3
| └── ...
└── transcripts
├── 2007.07-330.json
└── ...
Sometimes, downloading audio files may fail, but succeed on subsequent attempts. This script is safe to run multiple times, and will try and re-download files that are missing (while skipping ones that already have been processed).
If you have used my fork for $SCOTUS_CASE_REPO
then you should end up with 2035 mp3s/jsons in the audio and transcripts folders respectively, although this may not be consistent, depending on the availability of every mp3.
Next, we want to scrape the approximate DoB of each speaker found in the recordings downloaded, which is stored in $BASE_OUTFOLDER/speaker_ids.json
First of all, we need to set up and obtain a few things in order to fill out
inside of scotus_data_prep
Instructions on how to obtain access to the Avvo API are here:
Once this is set up, you can fill out
. (Note: AVVO_CSE_ID
is covered in the next section)
A custom google search will be needed, which can be set up here:
You will want to click Add
to create a new search engine, and under Sites to search
, you will want to enter
, with the Language specified as English.
After clicking Create, this should succesfully create this custom search. The control panel will take you to where you can find the Search Engine ID
, which you can fill into AVVO_CSE_ID
You will also need a google API key, which can be set up here:
Once this is obtained, fill out GOOGLE_API_KEY
python --base_outfolder $BASE_OUTFOLDER
This will go through the names in speaker_ids.json
and try and scrape their dates of birth (DoB) from the following sources:
- Wikipedia
- Supreme court clerkship graduation dates
For the final three sources, the year discovered for graduation/admission to practice law will be subtracted by 25 to obtain an approximate date of birth. The dates of birth, and additional information about the source of each DoB are stored in pickled dictionaries in $BASE_OUTFOLDER
├── speaker_ids.json
├── dobs.p
├── dobs_info.p
├── audio
| └── ...
└── transcripts
└── ...
, this script is also safe to re-run, and will try to re-scrape names for which no DoB has been found. If you wish to skip the names which have been attemped, and are present in the dobs.p
dictionary, the step2 script can be run with a --skip-attempted
python --base_outfolder $BASE_OUTFOLDER
This prepares verification and diarization data folders that are ready for Kaldi to extract features from. As a result, the recordings are changed into the consistent naming format YEAR-XYZ
, and this mapping from orignal names to new names is stored in a JSON file.
Verification/training data is made by splitting up long utterances into non-overlapping 10s segments, with minimum length 4s. Utterances are named in a consistent fashion, and the age (in days) of each speaker at the time of each utterance is calculated, and placed into an utt2age
Diarization data is made by splitting into 1.5s segments with 0.75s shift. A ref.rttm
file is also created.
This should result in the following file structure (in addition to what was previously shown):
├── ...
├── orec_recid_mapping.json
├── recid_orec_mapping.json
├── veri_data
| ├── utt2spk
| ├── spk2utt
| ├── utt2age
| ├── wav.scp
| ├── segments
| ├── real_utt2spk
| └── real_spk2utt
└── diar_data
├── utt2spk
├── spk2utt
├── ref.rttm
├── wav.scp
├── segments
├── real_utt2spk
└── real_spk2utt
The real_{utt2spk|spk2utt}
are there as Kaldi feature extraction insists on speaker ids being the prefix to an utterance name - these will be sorted out later on.
We will use Kaldi to extract the features. This kaldi feature extraction script is found in
You will need to edit at the top of this script and fill in your own $BASE_OUTFOLDER
base_outfolder=/PATH/TO/BASE_OUTFOLDER <--- Edit here
We used the egs/voxceleb/v2
recipe folder to carry out this script (although the only thing specific to this recipe is the conf/mfcc.conf
To carry this out, we will assume you have Kaldi installed at $KALDI_ROOT
cp $KALDI_ROOT/egs/voxceleb/v2/
cd $KALDI_ROOT/egs/voxceleb/v2
After changing back your working directory to scotus_data_prep
, we can run the final stage script.
python --base_outfolder $BASE_OUTFOLDER --train-proportion 0.8 --pos-per-spk 12
This trims down the data folders to match what features have been extracted, and splits the recordings into train and test according to --train-proportion
. It also makes a verification task for test set utterances, excluding speakers seen in the training set, generating trials of pairs of utterances to compare.
The --pos-per-speaker
option determines how many positive trials there are per test set speaker. If too high a value is selected, this may error out as it cannot select enough utterances, so if that occurs, try lowering this value.
This should yield the following (once again in addition to what was produced before):
├── ...
├── veri_data_nosil
| ├── train
| | ├── utt2spk
| | ├── spk2utt
| | ├── utt2age
| | ├── feats.scp
| | └── utts
| ├── test
| | ├── veri_pairs
| | └── ...
| └── ...
└── diar_data_nosil
├── train
| ├── ref.rttm
| └── ...
├── test
| ├── ref.rttm
| └── ...
└── ...
Training an embedding extractor is done via
python --cfg configs/example.cfg
This runs according to the config file configs/example.cfg
which we will detail and explain below. The following config file trains an xvector architecture embedding extractor with an age classification head with 10 classes and 0.1 weighting of the age loss function.
# Path to the datasets
train = /PATH_TO_BASE_OUTFOLDER/veri_data_nosil/train
test = /PATH_TO_BASE_OUTFOLDER/veri_data_nosil/test
# Allowed model_type : ['XTDNN', 'ETDNN']
model_type = XTDNN
# Allowed classifier_heads types:
# ['speaker', 'nationality', 'gender', 'age', 'age_regression', 'rec']
classifier_heads = speaker,age
# Allowed classifier_types:
# ['xvec', 'adm', 'adacos', 'l2softmax', 'xvec_regression', 'arcface', 'sphereface']
classifier_types = xvec,xvec
classifier_lr_mults = [1.0, 1.0]
classifier_loss_weights = [1.0, 0.1]
# Allowed smooth_types:
# ['twoneighbour', 'uniform']
classifier_smooth_types = none,none
input_dim = 30
lr = 0.2
batch_size = 500
max_seq_len = 350
no_cuda = False
seed = 1234
num_iterations = 50000
momentum = 0.5
scheduler_steps = [40000]
scheduler_lambda = 0.5
multi_gpu = False
classifier_lr_mult = 1.
embedding_dim = 256
model_dir = exp/example_exp
# At each checkpoint, the model will be evaluated on the test data, and the model will be saved
checkpoint_interval = 500
num_age_bins = 10
Most of the parameters in this configuration file are fairly self explanatory.
The most important setup is the classifier_heads
field, which determines what tasks are being applied to the embedding. This also determines the number of parameters in each field in [Optim]
, which have to match the number of classifier heads.
The currently supported tasks are 'speaker', 'nationality', 'gender', 'age', 'age_regression', 'rec'
, and each has a requirement for the data that must be present in both train and test folders order for this to be evaluated:
- Age classification or Age regression
- Requires:
file- 2 column file of format:
<utt> <age(int)>
- Gender classification
- Requires:
file- 2 column file of format:
<spk> <gender(str/int)>
- Nationality classification
- Requires
file- 2 column file of format:
<spk> <nationality(str/int)>
- Recording ID classification
- This is typically accompanied by a negative loss weight. When a negative loss weight is given, this automatically applies a Gradient Reversal Layer (GRL) to that classification head.
- Requires
file (but not in test folder):- 2 column file of format:
<utt> <rec(str)>
The following command will resume an experiment from the checkpoint at 25000 iterations:
python --cfg configs/example.cfg --resume-checkpoint 25000