ARISE is a set of simple Excel spreadsheets that provide real-time calculations and graph of both relational and arelational confidence intervals for means using raw data input. These statistics are not readily available in other statistics packages. It also provides null hypothesis significance tests for pairwise comparisons.
The ARISE(D)-OneWay module is appropriate for a one-way (single factor) between-subjects design with raw data input.
- ARISE(D)-OneWay.xlsx - A blank version of the module
- ARISE(D)-OneWay-Wendorf.xlsx - Analyzes raw data from Wendorf (2012)
The ARISE(D)-Repeated module is appropriate for a one-way (single factor) within-subjects design with raw data input.
- ARISE(D)-Repeated.xlsx - A blank version of the module
- ARISE(D)-Repeated-Wendorf.xlsx - Analyzes raw data adapted from Wendorf (2012)
Wendorf, C. A. (2021). ARISE: Arelational and Relational Interval Statistics with Excel [Excel Spreadsheets].