NOTE: plum has released a Magento converter tool which allows Magento v2 & v3 hashes to be run as standard argon2id with jtr or argon_cracker:
python3 script to verify Magento v2 hashes appended with ":2" or ":3_" (which are argon2id hashes).
This tool was proudly the first publicly released cracker for this custom algo.
- python3 -hash hashes.txt -wordlist wordlist.txt
- original script by Plum
- modified by cyclone with the following features:
- added flag "-wordlist" so script can check hashes against a wordlist instead of one password
- added flag "-hash" so script can check a hash list instead of one single hash
- added ability to correctly check, parse & crack both :2 & :3 Magento v2 hashes