Note: In December 2023, Cyentific AS offered and transferred the content of this repository, meaning the CACAO JSON validation schemas, to the OASIS CACAO TC (, which will be further maintained as an open-source product.
This repository contains JSON schemas for validating CACAO Security Playbooks. The JSON schemas provided are intended to follow the CACAO specification and its versions as specified by the OASIS CACAO Technical Committee.
In particular, JSON validation schemas for a specific version of CACAO are provided in different branches of this repository or can be accessed by pivoting from the table below.
The Python code below validates a CACAO playbook using the CACAO JSON schemas hosted in this repository. Specifically, the Python package "jsonschema" is used. For further details, please head to the official documentation. The example runs on Python version 3.11.
from jsonschema import validate, ValidationError, SchemaError
import requests
import json
# Reads CACAO JSON schemas from this repo (branch: cacao-v2.0-csd03).
url = ""
cacao_schema = requests.get(url).json()
# Read CACAO JSON from a local file
with open('./cacao_playbook.json') as file:
cacao_json = json.load(file)
# Validate CACAO JSON with JSON schemas and look for errors.
validate(instance=cacao_json, schema=cacao_schema)
# Hits when the JSON schema itself contains error.
except SchemaError as schemaError:
print("There is an error with the schema")
# Hits when the CACAO JSON is not compliant with JSON schemas.
# The error are appearing in chronological order one by one.
except ValidationError as validationError:
For other packages and languages for validating JSON schemas, please head to the official documentation of -> implementations -> validators.