This repo contains UI part for examination system with hyperledger. Written in angular 8 with versions as follows:
- angular/cli: 8.3.12
- angular/core: 8.2.11
- angular/compiler: 8.2.11
- node: v10.15.2
- npm: 5.8.0
- Clone this repo.
git clone
cd examination-system_frontend
npm install
ng serve
- To use it only as a standalone angular app without hyperledger just remove the api calls and initialize
using data pulled from firebase. Commit for reference.
- Currently Login/ # part is handled with angular, a new document is creadted everytime new user signs up.
- While taking test the questions are pulled from firebase and are pseudo randomly selected from the set.
- After submitting test, the responses are stored in firebase as welll as it gives a call to node api
which can be seen here. - After submitting he test user will be logged out automatically.
- To view the result he/she has to login with the same account. The result will be pull from
api which can be referred here.
- All basic validations in # and login page.
- Display error if account with email already exists, passoword is wrong, etc.
- Save selected qustions to database while taking test in case the user disconnects.
- Save elapsed time while taking test in case of disconnection.
- Minimistic and Material UI.
- Generation of certificates with QR code to verify integrity of the result.
- Logout user if reload/refresh is clicked.
- Disabled copy, paste and inspect element.