Multithreaded Marathon app metrics monitor with RESTful interface. Manages Marathon app moniroting threads that can issue scaling signals based on a combination of metrics and conditions.
- GET /apps - returns a list of running Marathon apps scaling monitors
- GET /app -d '{"app_id":"/some/app"}' - returns a single Marathon app scaling monitor
- POST /apps -d '{"app_id": "/some/app", "max_cpu": 45 ...}' - create and start a Marathon app scaling monitor. See below for all options.
- DELETE /apps -d '{"app_id":"/some/app"}' - stop and remove a single Marathon app sclaing monitor
Get a list of all Marathon app scaling monitors:
Retrieve Marathon app scaling monitor with ID of test1
curl -d '{"app_id":"/test1"}'
Create and start a Marathon app scaling monitor wit ID of /myapp/test1
curl -X POST -d '{ "app_id": "/myapp/test1","max_cpu": 60,"min_cpu": 20,"max_mem": 90,"min_mem": 5,"method": "cpu","scale_factor": 1,"max_instances": 6,"min_instances": 2,"warm_up": 3,"cool_down": 3,"interval": 181}'
Stop and remove Marathon app scaling monitor with ID of test3
curl -X DELETE -d '{"app_id":"/test3"}'
- app_id - App monitor ID, same as the Marathon app ID being monitored
- max_cpu - Maximum percentage of CPU utilization inside the container allowed
- min_cpu - Minimum percentage of CPU
- max_mem - Maximum percentage of available to container memory utilization
- min_mem - Minimum percentage of memory
- method - Method to use for signal generation. It can be: memory, CPU, and, or (mem|cpu|and|or)
- scale_factor - Instances number multiplier when scaling up or down
- max_instances - Maximum number of instances per monitored app
- min_instances - Minimum number of instances
- warm_up - How many monitoring cycles with "up" signal before scaling up
- cool_down - How many monitoring cycles with "down" signal before scaling down
- interval - Length of monitoring cycle in seconds
This application is meant to be run as a Marathon service on your Enterprise Edition DC/OS cluster version 1.10 and up. In order for it to be able to scale Marathon services it will need a set of specific permissions and a service account.
This repository includes a script that makes it easy to create a service account and assign it to a namespace. Run the following from a machine that has the DC/OS CLI installed and configured:
./ scaler myapp
Here scaler
is the name of the service account and myapp
is the namespace (folder) in which you can spin up Marathon apps and create autoscaling app monitors. The script creates a secret, the contents of which will have to be assigned to an environment variable inside the autoscaler
The application itself is Dockerized and available in DockerHub under dobriak/autoscaler:0.0.1
. It offers its RESTful interface on port 8080
Once the service account is created, create a Marathon app from the included marathon-autoscaler.json
file. From the same DC/OS CLI equipped machine, run
dcos marathon app add marathon-autoscaler.json
The app definition itself sets up an internal named VIP that exposes said RESTful API at
. It also assigns the value of the automatically created secret to the AS_SECRET
environment variable needed for autoscaler to work.
The Dockefile is included. One thing to note is since the base container is scratch
you will have to do a static compilation before doing docker build
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o autoscaler .
Once the autoscaler is installed and in a healthy state you can quickly spin up a few Marathon apps and create monitors for them. To make things easier, I've included a script with 4 sample apps. Run this script from inside the cluster:
[laptop] scp -r -i /path/to/key test/ <user>@<master or node ip>:
# Make sure to edit the top few lines of the script, for example
# provide your super username and password
[inside-the-cluster] ./
To clean up Marathon apps and app monitors:
[inside-the-cluster] ./ stop
That's it! Issues and PRs are welcome!