LarryBird is an alternative Twitter client written in Swift.
request(config)(.FriendsIds, [.UserIds(["123", "456"])]) { error, data in
// Deal with error or data
Unlike other library, instead of creating a instance of Twitter client, LarryBird only has one request
function. To achieve the same convenience of storing Twitter API credentials, request
can be curried by passing the first argument. The first argument is a Config
struct contains Twitter API credentials, which can be constructed like so:
let config = Config(
oauthToken: nil,
oauthSecret: nil)
The signature of curried function is:
(_ endpoint: Endpoint, _ params: [Param], _ finish: (error: NSError?, data: AnyObject?) -> Void) -> Void
LarryBird has a set of Endpoint
enum cases to specify which Twitter API endpoint the request should go to. You can pass arbitrary Param
enum as an array as parameters for the request. A list of available Endpoint
and Param
can be found in Endpoint.swift and Param.swift.
The choice to use enum is to ensure strong type check and reduce API surface.
LarryBird provides two additional function to specifically help Twitter login flow.
func requestWebAuthUrl
(config: Config)
(_ callbackUrl: String, _ finish: (error: NSError?, response: (data: [String: String], url: NSURL)?) -> Void)
func requestAccessToken
(config: Config)
(_ oauthReturnUrl: NSURL, _ finish: (error: NSError?, data: AnyObject?) -> Void)
is used to get API request token and construct a Twitter # url. You can open this url in the browser to start a login flow.
can be used to parse the response url returned by a success Twitter web authentication, and exchange for an access token to construct a Config
pod 'LarryBird', :git => ''
Reactive functional programing gives us a lot of powerful concepts to deal with interaction intensive UIs. One of the benefits is the elimination of states in it's reactive codes. Normal API client holds credentials as ivars, which is hard for reactive codes to update credentials when following the Twitter auth flow. A signal function is much easier to use in reactive codes.