This was base on Flux Chat example, which was originated from Facebook Flux Chat example, but with RxJS as its Flux implementation.
Instead of using the official Facebook Flux dispatcher, Rx Chat example is using RxJS with no dispatcher. All actions are Rx Subjects. Stores are Rx Observables. Please see details on official Redux repo.
You must have npm installed on your computer. From the root project directory run these commands from the command line:
npm install
This will install all dependencies.
To build the project, first run this command:
npm start
This will perform an initial build and start a watcher process that will update bundle.js with any changes you wish to make. This watcher is based on Webpack, and it transforms React's JSX syntax into standard JavaScript with Babel.
After starting the watcher, you can open index.html
in your browser to
open the app.