Split Korean characters to individual compontents, join components together to create characters.
You could use it to make some weird conjugation rules. Go wild.
Return an array of arrays of Korean character components
require 'korean-string' '읽어싶'.split_ko => [["ㅇ", "ㅣ", "ㄺ"], ["ㅇ", "ㅓ"], ["ㅅ", "ㅣ", "ㅍ"]]
Accepts an array of character pieces
require 'korean-string' [["ㅇ", "ㅣ", "ㄺ"], ["ㅇ", "ㅓ"], ["ㅅ", "ㅣ", "ㅍ"]].join_ko => '읽어싶'
$ gem build korean-string.gemspec
$ gem push –key github \ –host rubygems.pkg.github.com/daangn \ korean-string-0.1.0.gem
Come up with other useful methods?
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