Boilerplate for USB CDC VCOM serial communication with STM32F411CE-based WeAct Studio Blackpill.
| |
| |--usb_serial_lib
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| |- delay.c
| |- delay.h
| |- usb_serial.c
| |- usb_serial.h
| |- usbcdc.c
| |- usbcdc.h
| |
| |- main.c
|- platformio.ini
| |
[usb_serial.*] |
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[usbcdc.*] [delay.*]
- PlatformIO IDE - IDE used for programming
- libopencm3 - Open-source low-level hardware library for ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers
Daniel Duller - dadul96
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details