Pile load-settlement behaviour based on the Fleming Method (Fleming 1992 / https://doi.org/10.1680/geot.1992.42.3.411)
Parameters required for input: Us = XXXX #Ultimate Shaft Capacity kN
Ub = XXXX #Ultimate Base Capacity kN
Ds = XXXX #Pile diameter m
Eb = XXXX #Soil modulus below pile base kPa
Ec = XXXX #Concrete modulus kPa
Ms = XXXX #Overconsolidated Clay; 0.001-0.002 (0.004-0.0005 in soft to firm clays)
Pt = XXXX #Load kN
Lo = XXXX #Length without friction m
Lf = XXXX #Length with friction m
Ke = XXXX #Effective Lf length factor (0.45 for London Clay)