JPA entity:
data class Person(
@Column(nullable = false)
val firstName: String = "",
@Column(nullable = false)
val lastName: String = "",
// other fields...
Projection Views (interfaces and classes are possible to use):
interface PersonFirstNameInterfaceView {
val firstName: String
data class PersonFirstNameClassView(val firstName: String)
JPA Repository (not By suffix in the end of method names):
interface PersonRepository : JpaRepository<Person, Long> {
fun getAllFirstNamesBy(): List<PersonFirstNameInterfaceView>
fun findOloloTrololoBy(): List<PersonFirstNameClassView>
fun findAllBy(): List<PersonFirstNameInterfaceView>
fun findBy(): List<PersonFirstNameInterfaceView>
fun getBy(): List<PersonFirstNameClassView>
Run tests:
./mvnw clean test